Nov 23, 2006

Cheers to the gay drink..Lovin it!

Gulped down the cherry in a hurry..Chomp, Chomp!i recall how i would giggle @ Kd for being a pathetic alcoholicfor he would just feast on Peach Schnapps! and manage to get drunk on that thing,Well most of his foolish antics were part of his character and rest left to his imagination.He would be the butt of all sniggerz...I recall we would go riding tripz on his bike and after midnight you are so shit scaredif the cop would get you under the breath test..Grouse, I could never sniff around gobs for a million buckz leave alone "in the nameof the LAW". KD would laugh out loud; ( Trust me when i say LOUD); He would stand while he rode (Nerve of that bugger when he is pissed drunk on Peach..Schna..)He would leave his hands off the handle bars...and boy would the two of us sitting behind him "FREAK"!!!!Back to reality, Well, after the usual quarrel with SR about how he doesnt love me anymore and his job is holding a better place in his heartHe suprised me on a special date after he made me wait around for an hour...We walked to Pub World where it felt special, after a long time like it was our courtship period!Munched on badly cooked meat and voila thought let me order the gay drink of all times - Ta Dah! Peach Schnapps...Boy i must say it struck my sweet toothDrool, i enjoyed it and now i know why KD - lives upto his nick ...KD in Mallu land means something like "Gay" (Kundi..blah..blah) i could never catch that lingo though!
Hats off to you KD! and Peachy Schnapps!

My companion in grey days

Well, SR introduced me to this new concept of "Blogging". Blame complacent me for not discovering this addictive trend on my own.Back then in '04, it really did not appeal to me... My account had been dead since the past 2 yrs.Here am making a conscious effort to keep it alive n 'kicking' - Kicking myself for not having written in a long time...
Something i would do all day n night....Those cherished college days.
Carefree and single - The wind in your hair - and hormones pumping!
Guess it dawns onto me what it really means to blog.Its such a release - without having to worry about being judged. I can be me.
I dont have to fake smiles, laugh at jokes that are least bit funny or compliment an awful cooking!
Whats a blog? An online diary - is what i would call it. A personal 'space' in a world where nothing can be personal.Isnt it? Who cares!
Probably when i am all wrinkled up like a prune, i can browse these lines and giggle to myself , "Gosh i was 24, and such a kid......."
My company for my old age.

Turning a new leaf

When tough times hit you, you go pointblank.Gosh, You figure this is not happening to you, you disconnect from realityand you try so hard playing all the events in your head over and over again, just hoping that you would just "WAKE UP"!That if i could go back in time and turn the events back in your favour, The choices you make, shape your life.
Well welcome, to the party! Reality hits.No you are not hallucinating, You are not playing a victim in a shoddy TV serial, and no you are not the president's kin.You are only human, who has been devoid of all real world pain, till now.Time to grow up.Chin up and proceed, (thats what i am preparing myself for) I am preparing myself for life.Alas i have not made it to an Ivy League.Hence i am a loser, hence says my brother.Everyone i know hate their jobs, except my husband who has so much to croon abt his boss!Not everyone can boast on that front!!Not everyone has that symmetrical face, and not everyone owns an Aston martin (Damn you bond!)Someone recently questioned me,"If i had to do something all my life, for the love of it and never get paid a dime for it, What would it be?"Thats indeed a simple question, answers to that can be plenty or none.But its only the right answer to that,can show you your north Star.I have thought so hard till my head hurt.Human mind, an ocean of muddled thoughts.I love art, the depth, the feel, the emotion that reeks out of it.But could i earn a meal a day doing that,i doubt it.Rational self takes control.Focus.This is life you are talking about, not a storyline.I quit writing five years ago, i lost all my data my creations in a second when my dad decided to format my system without even asking me.Lesson learnt.i can never be good at anything.LOSER.But my positive side gleams, If you were any good wouldnt you have tried harder - for the love of it!!Yes, true. Its so easy sometimes to take a backseat and lose all the vigour you had to make someone else's achievements your glory. You live one life, you hear the success stories of all those men and women who have arrived and i have always grown to learn that i too shall emerge. Alas, i have not been able to emerge out of the shadows of my own own insecurities.Its never too late to learn, i have decided to turn a new can either rot, or move ahead.
"Worrying is nothing but a fast getaway on a wooden horse."

Nov 22, 2006

My very first expression - of love.
Had this image in my mind, It took me all but one Sunday, to make this collage.The perfect Valentine gift.A lot of thought has gone into this baby. The faces and phases of love.Bliss, jealousy, dreams, hopes, ego, anger - i have tried my best to capture all possible feelings in one frame. Everyone experiences it in different shades. Its all perception.There is no perfect relation, From all the kinds that i share and have shared in my life,i can qoute that "Its far from even being close to perfect"Be it with your folks n family, friends, or your partner.You have to make it close to what you want it to be.Its far too ambitious to even hope for a perfect kind love.Pledging your life to someone else holds a lot of compromises, a selfless heart and a choice.A choice to lose,once in a while.Trust someone else completely.Open yourself, and get ready to get hurt, Else you never really give yourself a real chance!Gosh, i could go on and on about this whole "Concept"!!Guess where this picture frame lies now???Yeah, my mom in law liked it so much that she decided to keep it!!!:-)