Nov 23, 2006

My companion in grey days

Well, SR introduced me to this new concept of "Blogging". Blame complacent me for not discovering this addictive trend on my own.Back then in '04, it really did not appeal to me... My account had been dead since the past 2 yrs.Here am making a conscious effort to keep it alive n 'kicking' - Kicking myself for not having written in a long time...
Something i would do all day n night....Those cherished college days.
Carefree and single - The wind in your hair - and hormones pumping!
Guess it dawns onto me what it really means to blog.Its such a release - without having to worry about being judged. I can be me.
I dont have to fake smiles, laugh at jokes that are least bit funny or compliment an awful cooking!
Whats a blog? An online diary - is what i would call it. A personal 'space' in a world where nothing can be personal.Isnt it? Who cares!
Probably when i am all wrinkled up like a prune, i can browse these lines and giggle to myself , "Gosh i was 24, and such a kid......."
My company for my old age.


At 10:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I proud of you or what... I love the way you write... And I wish so bad to have you write your real talent out... I know you have it in you to make a lasting impression with just words...


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