Jan 6, 2008

AK - One man army vs SRK - Mr.Narcissistic

Just as i returned back from Singapore after a "strenous" holiday (Had such a blast, that i needed a holiday from a holiday when i got back!) ..i read the reviews on Aamir making it once again with "Taare Zameen Pe". I wanted to watch TZP, and make my own judgements. Reviews are all rigged. There was no chance in hell, that i would buy into media hype once more after my horrible experience with OSO. Rather it was (Oh, so??)

TPZ was all that it claimed to be and much more...it made me soft in my knees, it made me human again...it made me realise that not everything is about yourself or about how much you make. It is not about having the perfect winning streak, but smelling the flowers on the way.Extracting these heart rendering emotions out of a kiddo..takes immense courage and a hell lot of sensitivity.

Aamir as an actor, a perfectionist, a pleasure to watch, over and over again. But as a director, a revolutionary.I just wondered how can this one man, make one movie a year..and bang on gets it right...every time, time after time! It takes more than "marketing"/PR or several trips to cricketing fields to match this one buddy!!

In comparison SRK, falls one shade pale,who is but all about himself. The country adores him for his arrogance! How vain....He made a narcissistic movie "OSO" it not only massaged his bigger than life ego a massage also it did not hurt to make millions either.

Its obscene to see, in todays world that the Indian junta still worships these stars as Gods...Apparently SRK quoted in an interview he has this innate need to be loved by ALL, to be accepted and revered by ALL...Not so soon Mr.SRK...you need to earn it not force it down our throats. And I mean for heavens sake...He hams, and goes smiling all the way to the bank...K..K..Kya ho raha hai... till then let me just practise my choroegraphed hand wave..

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