Jan 5, 2008

Yehi hai right choice Baby!

Life is all about choices aint it?
Choices that you have made and the ones that were definitely not yours.You look back and you realise there have been so many instances where things could have worked out or have gotten away in just that split moment.Like that job your dad threw away and moved to another country.And you lost all your friends not to mention your hard earned fans, (well i was very popular in kindergarden).Or the time when the drop dead gorgeous hunk broke your heart to a million pieces as he laughed you off in front of his friends.Am i glad he did that?
That for surely was his dumbest move ever.Why? Why on mother earth would i ever say that? Yeah, if he hadnt done that i would have been hanging around with a shallow guy for the rest of my teenage life. And he surely has missed something in life....Me!!!


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