Nov 22, 2006

My very first expression - of love.
Had this image in my mind, It took me all but one Sunday, to make this collage.The perfect Valentine gift.A lot of thought has gone into this baby. The faces and phases of love.Bliss, jealousy, dreams, hopes, ego, anger - i have tried my best to capture all possible feelings in one frame. Everyone experiences it in different shades. Its all perception.There is no perfect relation, From all the kinds that i share and have shared in my life,i can qoute that "Its far from even being close to perfect"Be it with your folks n family, friends, or your partner.You have to make it close to what you want it to be.Its far too ambitious to even hope for a perfect kind love.Pledging your life to someone else holds a lot of compromises, a selfless heart and a choice.A choice to lose,once in a while.Trust someone else completely.Open yourself, and get ready to get hurt, Else you never really give yourself a real chance!Gosh, i could go on and on about this whole "Concept"!!Guess where this picture frame lies now???Yeah, my mom in law liked it so much that she decided to keep it!!!:-)


At 10:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And it means a lot... a real lot to the person you made it for... No words may be told about it, but it is thought and felt about each and every day


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