Jan 12, 2008


.....I close my eyes, like i have back traced in a time machine (The complicated kinds...like Back to the Future prototypes, where the similarity ending at the lead being as cute as Micheal J Fox in both the cases ;-) but in this effect it more seems like "A Blast from the Past" ) Flashback...my whole life flashes past me...(Soundeffects: zip...whoosh....zip) and i feel 16 again, and as hard as i can recall i may have been looking at the mirror and fretting over zits when i am suddenly distracted by some cacophony (Grr..&*!!!....brick-brack, Zapatty...Shrugo! Frreider!) in my drawing room.

I can hear gibberish, and my instincts stall me to stay away, but smart alec me remains in a hearing distance from them. To my bewilderment, i see a funny looking green alien, she had loud make-up on, a pig tail, but red in her cheeks as her anger resonated through the hall..... (How did i know it was a "she"; well it looked better than the other ugly alien); The law of nature you see...the female counterparts are always better looking than the male species or so i would like to believe and no matter the theories, i wouldn't want it any other way - Girl-Power Yeah!

I peeped through the shining glass, the language was of of course alien, but my senses could decipher the intent, the deeper meaning of each word as it spewed out like venom at each other, literally all over the floor...

"How can you assume that i would do it"..."Why did you leave the sink dirty"..."Why is your underwear all over the house??"

Er...rubbing my ears in disbelief, i shake my head violently, Am i hearing right or "Men really are from Mars and Women from Venus!!"

I thank my stars that atleast they dont belong to the species where the female bites the head off, post love-making! or in here post a fight...that would be a little too gory for my weak heart.

Hmmm i can see some family resemblance between them and myself..looks like she has my nose and i have the guys ears...On second thoughts, am sure god has this huge "Photocopier" up in heaven/hell and churns out second by second assembly line humans with a default mechanism of every 4th output being Chinese...Boing! Boing!. They dont make it like they used to anymore..Nope.

Looks like things are cooling off a bit, and i can hear mellow sobs and whimpers, and right then i can see the man go weak in his tiny knees. Looks like the score board has just made a somersault. Its a zillion to nothing, as it last reads...with the clear winner being the "Teary eyed-Ms.Green". The man summons his ship and springs out a huge bunch of slimy moss...(I guess thats romantic in their world!! ) and Puhleeease! spare me the details of "Kissing and making up" Yuck!! No sooner than i would jump at them and scream "Get a room!!" the mother ship swallowed them and disappeared into the vast galaxy..Whoosh..and as i watched them leave i felt a sense of relief that i would never see them again!

"Wake up!! Its past eleven in the morning you sloth!! " as my chain of thoughts was broken by Dad's shrill voice...I lazily made my way to the kitchen just to see "UFO's" (Unidentified fighting objects ) back in my kitchen this time...

(Grr..&*!!!....brick-brack, Zapatty...Shrugo! Frreider!) Oh noooooooooo......not again!!

"Ma, Pa...C'mon keep it down, Will ya!!", as i head back, munching on the cracker just to hide myself for the rest of the day..rather the whole week!!!



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