Dec 10, 2006

Party Pooper..ME!

My first ever network party in town...
Giggles, Looked forward to breaking ice with a roomful of strangers.Dressed at a comfortable best, i landed at the doors of a supposedly networking party.A place where newcomers can come and make friends, get to know like minded people or i thought
so....I dragged SR out of bed that evening, had a tiff on "do we really have to go there..? i mean we hardly know anyone der"...i
had by then wasted too much time thinking about it all week and we had to go coz i said so..(Grr, im such a biatch..)..just to knw what its all then had already wasted too much time choosing the right kind of outfit - nothing too brash, nor too simple lest people think i am not
fun. (He..he..being tad attractive doesnt hurt anyone does it??).SR frowned on my short sexy black skirt that was quite an
eyeful. Well, after a lot of debate i turned it down and settled for black hot pants instead.I was grateful later that
evening for that wise decision.Landed at the party place, after traveling all of Asia, damn! These one ways...Jeepers, Creepers the place looked far from inviting. A crowd at the counter to get in, people screaming for a reservation.Boy! Will i meet my kind of people here! SR grinned to himself "Yeah i told ya so?"Well now that we have traveled half the world, might as well, ahem!! Enjoy...the party! With a room full of absolute strangers!! Enter - Loud Cackling - Strangers - Introduction to some dumb weenies - They open mouth 0 - Bolt brother - Need Oxygen...We ran out to the nearest exit...
FOrgive me all the people in the world...People like me have ceased existing long before...There is no hope left..Steaks & Beer to the rescue...
No more attempts on the obvious!