Nov 27, 2006

Good Luck Fren!

One cold evening, i put on my jacket, kickstart my frozen bike and sped away to the nearest havenHaven of joy.The nearest cyber centre.Well, that was my only source of entertaintment in Mysore, those days..The land of retired old people.I felt so out of place there...The usual i logged onto one of the loser chat sites, hoping to find another desperate soul@ the other end.I was so happy to find a mail in my inbox from my chat friend..T2...He was definetely not the forgettable kinds, but i never thought i would hear from him againafter almost a year.He actually remembered me while he was in Finland, after like such a long timethat a girl existed...and me!Wow, he wrote such lovely emails to me, though i regret now i dont have copies of those left in my inbox, but all of that etched in my fond memories.He was much older than i was, i was awe struck.He meant success, high flying executive in a leading company and i was just a college girl, He had such nice things to talk about and he wrote so well...Swoon he inspired me so much........Now today as i recall the conversation i had with him last night, i could not believe this was the same guy.7 years have passed since i have known him, I m married to someone else and he is not. Sometimes i think, we had so much in commonbut we never had any other relationship besides having a platonic one!Well a man and a woman can be just friends! We are a fine example of that. He has never seen me and i have never seen him.We are great friends though, we know a lot of each other and care. This is a new age relation, where a thought can carry you throughal life and you are comforted that you have a friend without any biases.Im having a hateful job and he doesnt have one.i cant decide who is at his better or worse self.He is living in his past, dwelling in all the things he has lost and found But i worry abt him, i have always wanted him to get his life back in line, find a great partner and settle down, even if he happens to begay..ehehheheh!!!!I am concerned i want him to get back to what he wants to be and the man he has always been.This T2 does not suit the T2 i have known.He has class, a taste for all the finer things in life and winning was always his storyI cant see a grey side of him, for i have always looked upto him.I shall wait till this phase is over, but i will always be proud of who you he was and the man he will always be.


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